Tuesday, November 2, 2010


I love quotes they always mean so much to me, so I wanted to share some of my favorites and some that I like to think of as inspiring!!

"Yesterday is history, tommorrow a mystery, today a gift that is why they call it the present." -Ugway "Crazy Old Turtle off of Kung Fu Panda"...Love this movie!

"Showing up to a baby shower a week early is like showing up to church on a Friday night" -Papa Scott...favorite quote ever!!

"Life sucks and then we die"

"Dance like no one is watching"

"If dancing was any easier it would be called football"

"The happiest people in life don't have much but they make the best of everything they have"

"Life isn't measured by the number of breaths we take- but by the moments that take our breath away"

"Always kiss me goodnight"- Drake

"We may not have much but we have each other and thats all that matters" -Shakari

I love these quotes and they pretty much say what is going on in mine and Drake's life right now. We both can't wait to be done with school but we are just happy and enjoying each others company.Life is crazy right now for the both of us with school and working full time but we honestly could not be happier right now for life's little moments.

1 comment:

  1. i didnt know you had a blog. woohoo! stef just said you were going to check out taylor andrews. how fun. i work there now. ha. well i hope you decide to go there its such a great school!
