Friday, May 28, 2010

Vegas Trip

So Drake and I decide since he got into nursing school this was going to be our last LAZY summer together so we better make something of it. So for our anniversary we decided to go to Vegas. We had so much fun we stayed in Vegas for about three days and nights. Our first day we decided to walk around the hotel and find out where everything was. We went to dinner that night and then Drake went and played the slots a little! Although, Drake was a natural we didn't win more than two bucks! WHAT A RIP OFF!
The next day we went to the Titanic exhibit which was amazing! When you enter the exhibit they give a name of a person who was on the Titanic and you get to wander through the museum and look at all the artifacts. You first get to see all the debris collected from the bottom of the ocean, which is really cool because there was jewelry and all kinds of clothes. Then we got to go through the different types of cabins they would have had on the Titanic. It was really cool. My favorite part was Drake and I got to get a picture in front of a remake of the grand staircase, and a picture in front of an actual piece of the ship that was brought up from the bottom of the ocean. Drake's person that was on the Titanic was a first class passenger and he died trying to save others. The lady that I had from the Titanic lived and she was also a first class passenger. It was sad to see all the names of the people that survived and than the wall of the people that died. I can't imagine what it would be like on that cold night in that cold water after the Titanic sank. What a tragedy. That night after dinner Drake and I went to Criss Angel, he was really good. The best part was Drake and I were literally in the back of the theater and got moved to the fifth row. The show was amazing and a lot of the stunts he did where really cool. Drake and I will be going again to another show he was really good.
The next day we went to the Bodies exhibit which was really cool. We got to see a bunch of cross sections of the body and it was really cool to see all the organs. I guess the worst part of the exhibit was the people around us looking at the exhibit. There was this lady and oh my gosh she needs to learn what quiet means, she kept talking really loud and she would holla at her son to come look at the the bodies! She just keep on yelling BOBBY COME LOOK, BOBBY COME SEE THIS BODY! Finally when Drake and I where out of there Drake just laughed and was like oh my gosh BOBBY COME SEE I laughed so hard. Later, that night Drake and I went to the Tournament of the Kings! It was probably my favorite because you enter the stadium and you get put into a group according to your seats. The group Drake and I were in was the Spain group, the other groups where France, Ireland, Norway, and Russia. It was really cool they serve you dinner and you watch your king battle with the other kings. It was really fun to watch the act and our group was the loudest cheering section because we had all the drunk people!! YEAH FOR THE DRUNKS!
Although, all the Vegas shows where fun, I think the funniest part was beginning with Drake and if any of you know Drake you know how he always has to be doing something!! HAHA! well this trip was interesting because you know how most people get really loose in Vegas, well Drake was lets say able to do nothing but relax. It was really good to see Drake relax and take some time off of work!!! I love you so much Drake I hope this vacation was as relaxing for you as it was for me!
Love you Drake so much!!!


  1. It looks like you guys had fun in Vegas! We just got back from Vegas to, going down there for our anniversary!! Happy Anniversary you two!!

  2. I'm so glad you two had such a great time! I miss you guys and hope the rest of your summer is one you won't forget!! LOVE YOU!
